Over the last few months I have spoken to so many people concerning the New Confederate Army. The vast majority of those I have talked with agree with our goals, with what we are trying to achieve. Most have expressed the desire to support us, although some of them do not want their names associated with the movement. Many have told me that they are concerned that the “Empire” will target them if their name is associated with the NCA and the movement to liberate our country.
To this I would like to pose a question. How many of you have signed the petitions to allow the various states to “peacefully” leave the Union? If you have done this then the “Empire” already has your information…you have already cast your lot with us. You may say “I only had to leave my name, email address and state on the petition”. To this I say the following…1)You most likely signed the petition from your home computer, which means they have your IP address, and, 2) Your signed your name…think about this, they assigned you an id number when you were born, your social security number, which means by having your name they can find out anything they want.
So, with this being said…you already have a target on your back. The moment you signed into Facebook and joined the pages you frequent, you painted the target on your own back. You have already given them the information they were looking for. Now, since the “Empire” already has you in its sights…join us! NOW is the time to take a stand! Now is the time to let your voice be heard and to make a difference! Join the New Confederate Army and make your ancestors proud! Please visit http://thenewconfederatearmy.tripod.com/home.html…if you still do not want to join, please consider making a financial contribution…it isn’t just for you…it is for the future of your children, and for the liberation of the land that your ancestors founded over 150 years ago.
Len Taylor
Lieutenant General
Commander-Texas Division
Communications Officer
New Confederate Army
The New
Confederate Army
Welcome the website of the New Confederate Army, it is my hope that you will find all of the information you need to make an informed choice of joining this Army. The New Confederate Army was set up, for the liberation of the Confederate States of America. That is the NCA's one and only goal, we have no other goal.
For far too long we have allowed the occupiers to indoctrinate us and our children. The New Confederate Army was founded to confront, dispell and destroy that indoctrination. With YOUR help, we can do just that.
Please look around, take a tour of our site. If you find that you agree with the New Confederate Army please contact us, join us, support us.
As time progresses we will be adding more pages, so please stay tuned.
Yours in the Cause of Southern Liberty,
Charles Goodson
Founder and Commanding General
New Confederate Army