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To all true Southerners and Copperheads,

For far too long, we have sat by and allowed the liberals of this country to slowly kill our Southern heritage. This has gone on long enough, it is time that we fight back.

I Charles Goodson, Founder and Commanding General of the New Confederate Army, do make the following charges against the, N.A.A.C.P., The Southern Poverty Law Center, The Urban League, the Anti-Defamation league, Hollywood and all anti-Southern organizations: 

1. That they do knowingly slander the Southern Movement, comparing them to the KKK and all White Supremacist movements.

2. That they have defamed the Confederate Flag, comparing it to the Nazi Flag of 1933-1945.

3. That they have associated the Confederate Flag, with the KKK and other racist groups. All the while, leaving out the fact that these groups use the American flag, the Christian Flag and HOLY Cross, on a much more regular basis than the Confederate flag.

4. That they have corrupted our young, into believing that their Southern heritage is one of hate. Forcing them to swear allegiance, to an occupational force. 

5. They have used economic extortion, to forcibly remove Confederate symbols from Southern Cities. That they have used this tactic to usurp the people’s vote of South Carolina and Georgia, to get the Flags of these two Sovereign Southern States removed.

6. That they are presently using this tactic in the State of Mississippi, to remove their flag.

7. That they slander and mock those in the Southern movement, inferring that they are nothing but inbred uneducated rednecks.

8. That the Entertainment Industry has helped, by mocking the Southern culture. Comedians like, Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engvall, James Gregory, have helped to instill in people the idea that Southerners are indeed stupid people.

9. That the T.V. Talk shows, like Jerry Springer have made this impression even more tangible, by having guests that are toothless and with Southern accents.

10. That the N.A.A.C.P., the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the others, have perpetuated the idea that those who fought for the Confederacy, were nothing but racist traitors.

11. That these organizations have likewise perpetrated the lie, that The Civil War was a war fought over Slavery solely.

12. That they would have us believe that the Confederacy is no longer in existence, That General Lee not only surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia, but the Confederate Government as well.

The New Confederate Army hereby makes these charges, and demand that an accounting be made to the people of the Southern Nation called the Confederate States of America. 

If you want to help, go to the page titled donation. Help us defeat the enemy, before it is too late.

In the Cause of Southern Liberation,

Charles Goodson

Founder and Commanding General New Confederate Army

The New 

Confederate Army

Welcome the website of the New Confederate Army, it is my hope that you will find all of the information you need to make an informed choice of joining this Army. The New Confederate Army was set up, for the liberation of the Confederate States of America. That is the NCA's one and only goal, we have no other goal.  
For far too long we have allowed the occupiers to indoctrinate us and our children.  The New Confederate Army was founded to confront, dispell and destroy that indoctrination.  With YOUR help, we can do just that.
Please look around, take a tour of our site.  If you find that you agree with the New Confederate Army please contact us, join us, support us.
As time progresses we will be adding more pages, so please stay tuned.
Yours in the Cause of Southern Liberty,
Charles Goodson
Founder and Commanding General
New Confederate Army


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