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These are the requirements for joining the New Confederate Army.

1.  Applicant must be no younger than 18 years old; I am sorry but we are not the KKK, Nazi’s, Communist or the Black Panthers we do not indoctrinate our Children.
2.  The applicant must believe and acknowledge; that the Southern States had a God Given Right, to secede from the Union.
3.  The Applicant must believe and acknowledge; the Confederate States of America was illegally invaded contrary to Law, and the Constitution of the United States. 
4.  The Applicant must believe and acknowledge; that the General Government of the Confederate States of America, along with its member States never surrendered and is currently under a state of a pseudo military occupation.  
5.   The Applicant must believe and acknowledge; that the Southern States do not need to re-secede, they are already seceded. The Southern States just need to be liberated.
6.  The Applicant must hold, believe and acknowledge; the Constitution and laws of the Confederate States of America superior to the Federal Imperial Constitution and laws.    
7.  The Applicant must believe and acknowledge; the while the Confederate States of America is under occupation, they will obey the laws of the occupiers and will conduct themselves accordingly.

If you agree with these requirements, I invited you join the New Confederate Army.

The New 

Confederate Army

Welcome the website of the New Confederate Army, it is my hope that you will find all of the information you need to make an informed choice of joining this Army. The New Confederate Army was set up, for the liberation of the Confederate States of America. That is the NCA's one and only goal, we have no other goal.  
For far too long we have allowed the occupiers to indoctrinate us and our children.  The New Confederate Army was founded to confront, dispell and destroy that indoctrination.  With YOUR help, we can do just that.
Please look around, take a tour of our site.  If you find that you agree with the New Confederate Army please contact us, join us, support us.
As time progresses we will be adding more pages, so please stay tuned.
Yours in the Cause of Southern Liberty,
Charles Goodson
Founder and Commanding General
New Confederate Army


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